Wednesday, August 25, 2010

From Japan, With Love

So I first must admit that this picture is not at all my favorite. I took it only because a young girl who touches my heart would not leave me alone until I did. But taking a second look at it later on my phone, I realized how cool it actually is. Both because of its content and its little kid style. Jhazmin, who's name you can read at the top, lives in Japan. She speaks and understands both English (because of her American mother) and Japanese (since she's lived there for the majority of her seven-year-old life). On top of that, she can understand some and speak a few phrases of Urdu, her Pakistani father's language. I, being an absolute language fanatic ever since my semester abroad, am always newly fascinated with these cultural family friends we have. We were lucky enough to spend a few days with them during their American summer trip to Montana and Wyoming. Here pictured is Jhazmin's depiction of herself and "decorations" around her, a friend my age and her own drawing, and mine - trying to be witty with the Hannah banana picture. Next to each of our sketches are our names scribbled in Japanese by this giddy little girl. I love the different cultures represented, Elise drew a cobber corn to represent Concordia College where she's off to in two days. The Japanese symbols, english, bananas, stars.... it's all so eclectic and different. The coloring of the photo seems little kiddish and somewhat distorted, which is fitting for a sketch that would not fit perfectly within any one category. Oh the people you'll meet around the world and within your own home town!