Tuesday, October 19, 2010


While researching Ralph Gibson, I found this picture on "Ronda's Word" Blog (http://collinrl.wordpress.com/ - it isn't exactly clear who took the photo) and it struck me. It may seem like a cliche shot to some, but the idea of the rain, the old cars and the romance just moved me. The water is alive in this photo - splashing the idea of a new relationship with new emotions and desires into the onlooker's eyes. It just captured me, it "CLicKed" with me, so I thought I would share. 
The blog also goes on to talk about how the writer is in a transitional part of their life and I really related. College seems to be a huge transition (I'm just now figuring out how to sleep around here) and it's quite refreshing letting the rain fall onto my face with this photo amidst the craziness of life.