Thursday, October 14, 2010

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson. 

I really cannot think of words that can express what Henri Cartier-Bresson's pieces encompass. Every one of his photographs appear to have been created in his mind before hand, perfectly placed and choreographed, staged and then shot. But they are not. 
They are the spontaneous moments that most of us pass by, the quick seconds that are so delicate and short-lived that our memory loses them once they occur. His images are the in-betweens, the sparkles of light that disappear quicker than they appear, and that quick intake of a breath you hear once they pass? Well, he manages to capture the second before - that split moment in time that caused the stunning reaction. 
Cartier-Bresson has an eye - an eye that sees beyond the light, beyond the subject of an image, beyond the technicalities of photography. No, his eye sees the intangible magic spun within every day of our lives. Not only does he see it, he feels it and anticipates it. In this way, he grabs those moments with an agility unsurpassed. This photographer has intuition for art, for what fills our days with the moments that take our breath away. And he takes a picture of it. CLicK. 