Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A multi-media installation at Penrose, what an awesome and new experience for me. Going with our fsem, tasting the yummy hor'dourves (which really made a great impression on all of us before looking at the pieces...), and hearing Timothy Weaver himself talk about this project that has been in the works for over a year was really interesting. 
Yet, what struck me the most was his use of extensive media. His interest for biology and how it collides with art was apparent and striking. Weaver talked of his passion for these birds that have gone extinct or are close to it, how we've driven them to be that way, how unnatural it all is. He used projection onto a screen at the bottom of the staircase (not only a different media, but a totally new way of viewing art while looking down the stairs), compiled printed squares of birds' beaks, feathers, necks... He had a video with the sounds of the birds in it as well.

His work was beautiful and striking. I quickly took this photo with my camera while observing his art upstairs. Near the pieces on the wall was also a smaller sculpture of a bird - I believe it is a permanent piece in the library, but it complimented his installation wonderfully. Just the thought and mastermind that went behind the project was apparent and really managed to affect me. The stillness of the library contrasted the birds' calls and the fact that many of them are gone for good from existence, alive only within the pages we read. Art... yet on a completely different plane... 
Art alive and flying!