Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It's been a while.. So I'm just throwing out some favorites from what you've missed.


[Diving for Dreams]

'Tis the Season...

Angels are everywhere, we just need to open our eyes.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Starting Fresh...

Cowboy hats, Jupiter drops, Moon rises... 

I have been away far too long, I am overdue for a picture or two! The picture's not even that great, I just love it for some reason. The spotlight, the colors, it just lights up the background. Maybe it's that contrast that catches my eye. Train rocking out doesn't hurt, either. A wonderful weekend with amazing friends, caught in the Vail magic... bring on sprinG!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

DenverArtMuseum Culture Paper..

So the journey to the Denver Art Museum during the first week in Colorado was amazing. 
Not only because of the incredible art I was experiencing, but the incredible people I was getting to know. We walked up and down the floors, studying the photos, the sculptures, the oriental art, the costumes, furnishings and the views out the windows.
It was a beautiful day full of wonders - everywhere I looked was something new, a new piece of eye-candy to just devour. But the new sights didn't end with what was on the walls. Looking around into the faces of girls (plus Roddy) that would soon become my best friends at college. There were bonding moments over the photography. Bonding moments over the old chinese scripts on the wall. 
There was Taiwanese culture, old english culture, culture from Sweden, Kentucky, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Missouri, Scotland and more.
I learned so much about Denver, about the beautiful faces around me, about life on the Discoveries Trip :) 

Thursday, November 4, 2010


This haunting image of the amazing photographer is so powerful, just like her work.

She somehow, magically and mystically, transforms what is a simply beautiful view into a complete vision - a piece that the onlooker is sure to never forget. Her photography really inspires the romantic and peaceful feeling one would get from enjoying a day out in the nature with those you love. Okay, maybe not this self portrait. But her other landscape photographs are truly mesmerizing. 

There is something about the way she prints them and the techniques she uses that transforms the imperfections throughout the process. The "mistakes" or imperfections that develop only add to the mystery and mystique of the art.
Her work and the passion she has for the things she photographs really instills within me a desire to make art that will last. Art that I will want to look back on years from now and smile, remember, or experience it all over again.
It's magic.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

There's a first for everything...

Obviously I've been taking pictures for a very long time... but mostly digitally. And even back when I used film when I was younger, I didn't ever develop or print myself. Well! That officially changed today - This is a photo of my very first black and white print. I am actually really excited about how it turned out. Hopefully there are more to come - yes, it takes tons more time, but I think they are absolutely beautiful and the process is somewhat therapeutic, I would say :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween POWer!!

EMotionaL. power, 
potential, FEELinG.
This girl.

Friday, October 29, 2010

a little bit crazyy.

Like this picture, my roommate is a little bit crazy.
She loves chocolate covered coffee beans.
She can't get outdoors enough.
She either talks REALLY loud or ... laughs REALLy loud.
She gives the strongest hugs.
She's pretty much... amazing.
I love this shot - taken during her self portraits the other day in class - of her just goin crazy like she does. She makes me smile and I am so glad I have her here in my life!!